Wednesday, November 24, 2010

I'm Thankful

Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. It doesn’t come with a lot of religious guilt, it hasn’t been crassly merchandised to death (how much money is there in turkey and cranberry sauce, anyway?), and it’s not infected with a lot of cheap sentiment.

No, it is a day where one gets together with loved ones, eats a tremendous meal, watches a little football if so inclined, and, without too much effort I think, calls to mind those things in life for which one is thankful. Pretty simple…and pretty hard to screw up. And so, simply, I am thankful for:

· My wife. Gratitude and thankfulness for your continuing choice of me as a spouse don’t begin to describe it. We are truly greater than the sum of our parts!

· My family and friends. You are the people who sustain me, delight me and in whose company I take refuge from the craziness of the world.

· My colleagues in NARI. A more generous and giving bunch of folks would be hard to find. In a business that is tough enough in good times, your willingness to share knowledge, encourage one another and hold each other to high standards is inspiring.

· The architects, subs, vendors and employees I talk with almost daily. Working together year after year, as a team, has made my projects go smoothly; delighting clients, making the day fun and producing well built and truly beautiful work.

· My clients. Without you, my business would not be here. The trust you place in me and my team is appreciated and something that I never take for granted.

· My hands. Guided by the gray matter upstairs, they have allowed me to make a rewarding living for the last 23 years, creating tangible things, and freed me from what, to me, would be the pure torture of sitting at a desk for the rest of my life.

Simply said, I have a lot to be thankful for; not just tomorrow, but the rest of the year as well. Finally, I’ll be grateful if you read this, and have, for yourself and your loved ones, a very Happy Thanksgiving! Just don’t expect me to get all philosophical about Christmas, though!

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