Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Missed appointments………and Karma

It drives me CRAZY when I set up an appointment to meet with a potential client, and they blow me off.  It doesn’t happen too often though, fortunately. When it does though, boy do I get…….how do I politely say it…….irked.  After all, YOU CALLED ME!  I didn’t twist your arm, knock on your door, or call you during dinner.  Grrrr. 

Irked is how I felt this morning at 7:30, standing outside a prospective client’s home; having rung the doorbell several times, and waited for someone who was patently not there. 

Irked is how I felt when I got back to the office, and began to compose a snarky e-mail to this guy that had blown me off. 

Empowered is how I felt when I hit the “send “ button. 

Horrified is how I felt when, a few minutes later, I received a response from the prospective client, wondering why the fuss?... since we had agreed to meet NEXT Wednesday, not THIS Wednesday. 

We all have this little voice in our head, right?  You know, the one that says “Ignore me at your peril!” Why is he so hard to hear sometimes; especially when he says: "Don't be snarky there, Michael-o!  That guy might have had a good reason for missing this morning's appointment."? 

Like.....we set it up for Wednesday.......the 22nd.....NOT the 15th.  Is that a good reason, little voice? 

"Yes, that could be a good moron!" 

So now, today’s assignment,  100 times on the chalkboard:


The little voice is my friend.  He keeps my feet in my shoes, and out of my mouth.  I will try REALLY hard to listen to him from now on!  The little voice is my friend.  He keeps my feet in my shoes, and out of my mouth.  I will try REALLY hard to listen to him from now on!  The little voice is my friend.  He keeps my feet in my shoes, and out of my mouth.  I will try REALLY hard to listen to him from now on!  The little voice is my friend.  He keeps my feet in my shoes, and out of my mouth.  I will try REALLY hard to listen to him from now on!  The little voice is my friend.  He keeps my feet in my shoes, and out of my mouth.  I will try REALLY hard to listen to him from now on!  The little voice is my friend.  He keeps my feet in my shoes, and out of my mouth.  I will try REALLY hard to listen to him from now on!................. 

OK, it’s not a hundred, and “copy” & “paste” keep my hand from cramping, but I get the message, and will try hard to listen to the little voice.  He’s my friend. 

Anyway, after a profuse apology on my part, I'll be seeing him on the 22nd.  Hope your day is going better than mine so far!


Amy said...


Unknown said...

Crow doesn't taste very good does it? I now try to use restraint in my reactions to percieved dunbassidry just so my own dumbassidry doesn't come shining through. Love the blog!

Mike Patterson said...

So true, so true. I like to think that I fight the good fight, but occasionally I run off the rails!